Monday, October 3, 2016

Civic Responsibility is Important to Our Community

With Councilman Goode and civic-minded Plainfielders in the 4th Ward at Operation Clean the Queen.

It's been said that the backbone of democracy and philanthropy is civic responsibility. In the 18th and 19th centuries, citizens in America volunteered and participated in projects that helped to shape their communities and ultimately the nation. Their participation ran the gamut, from voluntary fire departments to the public arts.

More caring neighbors working with Councilman Goode in clean-up.
Because of the actions of these people, citizenship began to be understood in terms of the labors of ordinary, everyday people, working together to create things, which benefited the entire public.

Throughout ensuing years, civic responsibility has remained with us, with varying degrees of participation, but we should never diminish its importance to our community and our society. By being a part of those who practice civic responsibility, we are upholding the democratic values upon which this country was founded.

When we give our time and efforts to clean and beautify our city and our neighborhoods, we are demonstrating civic responsibility. When we volunteer to help someone in need, we are practicing civic duty. When we spend time mentoring and guiding our youth, we are living civic duty.  And when we exercise our right to vote, we are exercising our civic responsibility.

Plainfield, even as we are swept up in the tide of change we see all around us--the redevelopment projects, the numerous road projects, the enhanced relations between law enforcement and our community, even as we see our city morphing and taking shape before our eyes--let's look for opportunities.

Now is the time to get involved. Now is the chance to be a part of something big, something that goes beyond your doorstep and into the community beyond, something that will leave a legacy for your children.

Some of our neighbors have already recognized their power to make a difference and have initiated cleanup activities around the city, unbidden and with the only goal being to make this place we live a more beautiful and inviting space for all.

If every member of our community decided to get involved and exercise their civic responsibility, Plainfield would shine brightly once more as the Queen City.

Our quality of life is only worth extolling if everyone around us enjoys that same quality of life. Be accountable, be a lightning rod for change, take pride in this city we all call home, and let your civic responsibility guide you as we unite to fight for Plainfield.

Mayor Adrian O. Mapp
City of Plainfield

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