To my Constituents, Colleagues, Friends, Neighbors and Readers:Both Amelia and I would like to wish you and yours a very safe, healthy and happy holiday season. May you enjoy the good company of relatives, friends and neighbors, the beauty and joy of the season, and the plentiful blessings of the almighty Creator who loves you and watches over you.Happy Holidays!
The good fortunes that so many Americans have enjoyed during the period of consumer exuberance have taken a tumble from the height of Wall Street's economic precipice to the abyss of recession, putting severe stresses on municipalities requiring them to think creatively and to act frugally. In this post I will share some additional ideas for streamlining the cost of government and cutting the budget:
1.Combine the City Administrator's position with the position of CFO
2.Transfer WIC to the County
3.Transfer the functions of Plainfield Action Services to the County
4.Transfer the 9-1-1 Dispatch function to the County
5.Transfer the Bi-Lingual Daycare Center to the Plainfield Public School system or to a local non-profit organization, i.e., one of the faith base CDCs
6.End health benefits to all part time employees using the State's health benefits model resolution
7.Combine the Purchasing Agent's position with that of the Director of Administration and Finance. When the Director was interviewed for her current position it was revealed either by way of her résumé or discussion that she is a Qualified Purchasing Agent (QPA). Placing the purchasing function in the hands of a QPA and centralizing all purchasing would go a long way in reducing costs
8.Since cabinet members are not allowed to speak to the council, issue Rice Notices to all of them in an effort to solicit their candid input on the City's overall operations
9.Use bail forfeiture funds to offset the Police department's other operating expenses so as to reduce its budget.
10.Reduce Police overtime budget by $100,000 and allow civilian employees to perform non public safety functions now being performed by some senior officers in the PPD at additional cost to tax payers
11.Eliminate the Director of Public Safety position and allow the Police Director and the Fire Chief to run their respective departments
12.Eliminate the Director of Public Works position and increase the responsibilities of the Superintendent of DPW
13.Shrink the table of organization for the Police department to reduce its top heaviness and to minimize the opportunity for political promotions
14.Implement time and attendance systems across all departments to reduce the likelihood of overtime pilferage
Making these hard decisions would enable the city to rise from the valley of despair to the surface where the shallow waters flow, allowing the City to regain its equilibrium thus preventing property owners from drowning in the abyss of rising property taxes.